Foreign caregivers have rights

AB The Israeli Center for foreign Workers Ltd

Foreign caregivers have rights defined by the law during the period of employment with the patient in Israel, these legislations are derived from the existing Labor laws in Israel concerning all workers – Israeli or foreign, and some of them are exclusively designed only for the foreign workers – and derived based on the particular situation of the caregivers.

  • The caregiver is entitled to a minimum wage at least – today the minimum salary is 5300 nis gross, from this amount the employer is allowed to deduct up to 25% due to living expenses recognized and authorized by the law according to the government protocol.
  • The caregiver is entitled to recuperation days and vacation days each year according to his seniority.
  • The caregiver is entitled to 9 holiday days for one year. The dates of these holidays are determined by the religion and/or country of origin of the caregiver and must be agreed upon in advance between the parties.
  • The caregiver is entitled to a weekly rest day. This day is determined according to the religion and/or country of origin of the caregiver and lasting up to 25 hours.
  • At the end of the employment period of the caregiver, if the caregiver was dismissed, the patient died or moved to a nursing home – the caregiver is entitled to receive the pension funds accumulated in his favour, as well as compensation according to his seniority. A caregiver who has resigned will be entitled to compensation funds only and not the full compensation.
  • The caregiver is entitled to sick days as an Israeli worker. To his credit, 1.5 days of sick leave are accumulated for each month of work and a total of 18 sick days leave per year.
  • The residence of the caregiver is at the home of the employer, and where he/she is entitled to stay at any time. An employer is not permitted to remove the caregiver from his/her home without prior notice and without giving an alternate place of residence..
  • The caregiver is entitled to a health insurance for the duration of his employment with the employer.
  • The caregiver must announce his resignation subject to prior notice. They do not have to explain or explain the circumstances of his statement.

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A.B. Israeli Center for Caregivers Ltd

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